Newton's Third Law 

 "For every action (force) in nature there is an equal and opposite reaction" 

We all know (even at the most basic level) what it is we should do to look after ourselves.

Don't eat fast food, exercise regularly, avoid 24 hour Netflix binges, read often and drink enough water etc. 

Yet we perhaps it's not obvious exactly why we should or shouldn't do something.

All of life is the pursuit of please and avoidance of pain after all right

What if there was a universal law that we could apply to ourselves for the actions we take (or don't take) that could govern our decision making in each moment?

The answer comes from an unusual sources: Luke Belmar & Sir Isaac Newton.

Starting at the 21 minute mark of an interview with Luke below, he was asked a question of what resources he utilized to change his mindset.

Instead of giving book recommendations, or podcasts he instead gave Newton's Third Law as the overall guiding principal. 

"Life will pay me in direct correlation to that which I have given it"

So if you are drinking, watching pornography, spending hours on social media or playing video games; that is what you are sowing in your mind, and so shall you reap the reaction for those behaviors. 

Conversely if you are eating well, listening to affirmations, talking to yourself positively, coaching yourself; so too shall you reap the reaction to those behaviors. 

You get to chose which action you take, not for me to say what is right or wrong but knowing there is a direct response to your actions is a profound insight to Luke's psychology and one I'm keen to adopt into my own. 

For all my book reviews and posts on mindset and the like, ultimately I only control how much I put into them and the consistency of the  posts (which I've struggled with) yet there will be a reaping of said action, life will return that which I give it.  This goes across the board for all habits, both good and bad. How much I put in, is returned in direct proportion.

All this is not to say you'll get a six pack for one workout, no, that and with most things in life must be earned over time and with consistent action and for the most part no immediate reward. 

Know that your actions (or lack thereof) will be returned, maybe not today but an equal and opposite reaction is coming.

Is it one that you want?
