Embracing Discomfort

 Disclaimer: Be mindful to use this  practice within reason, don't hurt yourself or other intentionally.  

Nothing grows in the comfort zone, so the saying goes. 

Here I am trying to get out mine by having an ice bath and smiling through the pain. 

I can attest that ice baths suck however the feeling, not the mention the benefits are worth it.

Yet it is the act of getting uncomfortable that is the key. 

Whether that's public speaking, scary movies or exercise whatever propels you out from left zone to right zone.   

Actively getting uncomfortable is the opposite of our default programming in going towards pleasure and actively avoiding pain.

Yet that is just a zone we must traverse and push through and experience growth.

We'll throw up statements from the Zones of Comfort and Fear:

All actively avoiding being  uncomfortable even without experiencing it and creating self limiting beliefs of ourselves. 

This mental process of asking better questions of ourselves  is one to cultivate in relation to embracing discomfort and removing the beliefs or stories we tell ourselves. 

Take opposing statements to that of the above in Learning and Growth:

How much smaller the discomfort seems if the belief is a positive and not limiting .

Going in to the ice bath I didn't expect to last the full 10 minutes nor was it my intention to begin with.

It was my belief that I could do it in the first place is how I pushed myself out of the comfort and fear zone.

It is something I try and do each day (morning cold showers)  and seek out things to push myself  when I'm feeling comfortable or fear.