Changing State

“The difference between peak performance and poor performance is not intelligence or ability; most often it’s the state that your mind and body is in.” —Tony Robbins 

Getting married is a 10/10 peak emotional peak state inducer. 

I can't comment for the aftermath for everyone else but the day of, like this guy below, you'll be in an amazing mood.

But you don't get married everyday (probably best not too), so how do you get your emotional state to be at it's best everyday? How can you change your mood regardless of what you are experiencing in your life? 

For the longest time I relied on external things/events to lift my mood/state.

This negative was also true, if something went wrong, I dropped down into a lower one (and used something to numb/escape it/make myself feel ok about it) 

Until recently when I discovered Tony Robbins work about how I could get into a higher state on my own (without external help) using The Triad

The Triad is made up of three areas: Your physiology, your focus and your language. 

Combining all three induces a state which can have life changing affects.


If you were to visualize someone depressed, are they looking at the ground or have their chin up? What is there posture like? Straight or hunched? Are they smiling or frowning? 

I had no idea has strongly linked my mood was to how I was using (not using) my body.

Unwillingly I was using my body like a depressed person.

Our emotions are linked to the movement of our bodies, no movement = bad mood. 

That's not just exercise, it's if we are smiling, sleep, diet, sunlight,  how we walk and even how we sit on a couch. 

Check the below video for mind+mood reset:


What are you focusing on? 

Is it the things you don't want to happen? Is it the negative in the situation? 

Do you know that your mind doesn't know the difference between fantasy and reality? 

This flies a little counter to the Fear Setting exercise but be wary of where your focus is for a prolonged period of time.

I use the following question if my focus goes to somewhere I don't like which is:

What would I have to believe for this to be true?

Focus is interchangeable with belief.

 If someone says 'Life is hard' they are focusing on the aspects of life to validate their belief.  

I could just as easily say 'Life is easy' and focus on the aspects of life to validate my belief.

There is some great reading here and this pairs well with quality questions. 


Would you talk to someone else the way that you talk to yourself?

This sums this up nicely: 

We are brutal on ourselves, I was certainty was.

We should be our own biggest advocates not our internal enemy.

This can be magnified with incantations/affirmations to supercharge our triads. 

Personal favorite is Ray Lewis (yes that one ) and his affirmations for greatness.

Put it all together it looks like this: 

This is my own triad for public speaking.

I ensure I read aloud each of the beliefs/focus statements as well as language  statements and get my body where it needs to be.

The Triad can be used to get yourself into any state you want, whether that's focused, confident or just happy. 

That way you don't need to get married every day 🤵👰
